About the foundation

Konishi Foundation for International Exchange
November 1, 1983:
Approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an incorporated foundation
April 1, 2013:
Authorized by the Cabinet Office to transition to a public interest incorporated foundation
President: Chizu Konishi
#207 FARO Kagurazaka, 5-1, Fukuro-machi,
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0828, JAPAN
Tel  +81 (0)3- 6228-1340
Fax +81 (0)3 -6228-1349
E-mail: contact@konishi-zaidan.org
Secretary General:Akane Muroi


Articles of Incorporation

Balance Sheet

Registry of Board Members

Business Report

Statement of Changes in Net Assets

Business Plan

Provision for Reward of Officers and Councilors and Cost