2022.3.28 Japanese-French Translated Literature Award
Read-aloud Videos of the 25th and 26th Konishi Foundation Japanese-French Translated Literature Award Winners Were Posted.

We have posted videos of the two books that won the Konishi Foundation Japanese-French Translated Literature Award, in which the prize winners, who undertook the translations, selected, read, and explained some passages of the books. Please check them out.

【The 25th Japanese-French Translated Literature Award- Winning Work】
Gustave FLAUBERT, Three Tales (Trois Contes), Kobunsha Koten Shin’yaku Bunko, 2018.
Japanese reading and commentary:Asako TANIGUCHI
French reading: Myriam DARTOIS-AKO

【The 26th Japanese-French Translated Literature Award- Winning Work】
Gustave FLAUBERT, Bouvard and Pécuchet (Bouvard et Pécuchet), Sakuhinsha, 2019.
Japanese reading and commentary:Norioki SUGAYA
French reading: Myriam DARTOIS-AKO